
Unlocking the Power of Programmatic Advertising


A Guide to Getting the Right Message to the Right People at the Right Time

In a recent survey of marketing executives, 75% of them reported that when it comes to where they allocate campaign dollars, half or more is invested in programmatic advertising. What’s more, 70% expect spending in this ad space to increase steadily over the next four years. Why is that? Well the data shows that as consumers spend more time researching online before making purchasing decisions, brands need to reach them more effectively in all stages of the buyer’s journey to have an edge with their target audience. Programmatic advertising is key to maintaining that competitive advantage.

The power of programmatic advertising lies in its ability to help companies make data-driven decisions about their brand with highly cost-effective targeting, thereby maximizing ROI for their campaigns. In this guide, we’ve compiled research, statistics, and insights about programmatic ads that we think you should know about, including:

  • Their overall value
  • Some actionable takeaways
  • Key benchmarks to know
  • Cross-channel capabilities
  • …and more.

To get your free eBook, fill out the form on the right. If you have any questions, comments, or want to know more about how to craft your own programmatic advertising campaign, reach out to us at 267.387.6620. We’ll be happy to walk you through next steps and help you unleash the power of programmatic ads.

Increase Your Marketing ROI with Targeted PPC

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