
Does your orthopedic marketing system provide a Return on Investment?


If your current marketing agency or internal marketing department can’t report ROI on marketing dollars, then you are missing a crucial step in the process.

Marketing dollars must translate into ROI. Watch this video to learn how we helped one of our orthopedic customers generate over $13 million dollars in revenue from first-time appointments by using the Farotech Marketing System


An ideal orthopedics, marketing system should include a systematic approach to the following:

  • Generates leads
  • Nurtures leads into patients
  • Converts patients into brand ambassadors

If you’d like to know more about our approach, or have questions about anything in the video above, please fill out the form on the right side of this page.

A member of our partner growth team will reach out to you to talk through any questions you might have on how to transform your marketing strategy.